the team
Since Jan 2008
Like it? Good for you.
Don't like it? Shucks, can't help it then, we won't be changing our whole concept for you.
But, we would love to hear your raves, rants, kisses and disses.
Just type it all down in the cbox.
Enjoy, 'cos this site's all for you.
the big picture
This ain't an online mag where you have to work your brain, unless, you wanna ponder about what's in our posts and sll.
This is an online mag where ya can just chill, dudes and dudettes! Ya get mah drift?
Yeah, so, check back to our site occasionally.
This mag is a monthly kinda thing, so you don't have to come here everyday to check for updates.
Just visit this site on the first few days of each month, and each time we promise to interest you with our posts.
prized and precious
We are a team of really cool, smart, funny, interesting and witty people dedicated to making the dream
of an online mag HAPPEN!
torn and shredded
Bloody assholes.
Shitty suckers.